

Department of Indian Theatre

About Department of Indian Theatre


The objective of this course is to impart comprehensive training, both practical and theoretical in various aspects of theatre. A student is trained to develop his mind, body and voice. The course aims at the total development of the student's personality.

The two year Master's course in Indian Theatre provides intensive and full time training in the theoretical and practical aspects of theatre. Acting, Movement, Voice, Production, Speech, Singing, Improvisation, Theatre-games, Yoga, Mime, Text-study Style, Character-building, Stage Make-up, Use and control of imagination constitute the integral part of the practical training. Representative plays from Indian and Western dramatic literature and the history of theatre are dealt with in considerable detail. Practical lessons in stage lighting, set and costume designing are imparted. The knowledge of regional theatre forms and their creative application in the modern context is emphasised.

Research Facility
The Department offers facilities for Inter-disciplinary research towards Ph.D. to the Theatre students in the field of various aspects of Acting, Designing and Direction etc.

Exhibitions, Workshops & Seminars
The Department organises exhibitions, workshops and seminars to expose the students to various innovations, new trends and concepts in theatre.

Public Performances
The students get an opportunity to participate in public performances put up by the Department. They are expected to work in the productions as actors and back-stage workers.

Some merit scholarships are available for talented students.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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